The Female Voice is Always Important

The female voice is one that should be uplifted, and acknowledged, and not to mention persistent. The panel hosted on April 2nd for women in the mass communication field was an experience. It felt like having a talk with an older sister or getting some much-needed advice from your fave auntie. Panelists included: Tara Gates Anderson, Saleisha Nadia Averhart, Audrey Kates Bailey, Leonada Inge, Katerrra Jones and Melissa Wade.

Women from all walks of life working in different industries gave advice on how to navigate the powerful patriarchy with issues from speaking out on what matters, to setting the tone in meetings with men. Tara Gates Anderson offered this, "I set the tone when I'm in those situations and I stand my ground because if you don't someone else will set it for you," The discussion was powerful and very relevant especially now that we are living in the #MeToo era where women everywhere are standing up and not working in hostile enviorments for the sake of not wanting to lose that dream job and tolerating abuse.
